Star Centre
As part of my spiritual practice, I work with
many light-beings – including deities,
Ascended Masters, the Lemurians,
Avalonians and elementals. But some of
the most powerful experiences I’ve had as
a mystic have been through connection
with the Star People. The Star People is a
general term that refers to the extra-
terrestrial and extra-dimensional beings
whose tribes are aligned with different
stars throughout the Universe. Some of
these tribes have close connections with
Earth and have been a part of our
development over thousands of years.
Although they cannot intervene in world
events in ways that take away our free will,
they are eager to provide us with support
and guidance when we ask for it.
This magickal intensive works with the
Pleiadian Light-Beings (also called the
Pleiadian Council of Light), for a series of
personal Star-Centre Activations that
correspond with the 7 main Chakras. Each
activation is sent as an energy
transmission from a particular star within
the constellation of the Pleiades as follows:
Crown Chakra – Alcyone
3rd Eye Chakra – Atlas
Throat Chakra – Maia Transmission
Heart Chakra – Electra
Solar Plexus Chakra – Taygeta
Sacral Chakra – Merope
Base Chakra – Pleione
Each transmission corresponds with a
different Star Centre to fully activate the
Star Centre Matrix within your energy field.
These centres correspond with the Chakras
and when fully activated, facilitate the
smooth flow of life-force energy throughout
the system, access to higher frequency
energies, and awaken us to higher levels of
consciousness. Additionally, by balancing
and activating the Star Centres, spiritual
gifts of wisdom, channelling, increased
intuition and healing abilities can be
enhanced and fully integrated as all energy
centres come into alignment, creating a
constellation of energy as reflected in the
constellation of the Pleiades. The balanced
and illuminated matrix of energy aligns
with your original energetic blueprint which
is the spiritual pattern that underpins your
light-body and which was defined before
birth to equip you most effectively for your
life-mission during this incarnation.
Parts of our original blueprint can become
blocked over time; and through imbalanced
energies other parts may experience too
much or too little energy flow which may
mean that our gifts are compromised. For
example, too much energy in the higher
star-centres, with a deficiency in the lower
star-centres might mean that you have
great intuition, but that you are unable to
express or act on the guidance you receive
– almost as if you’re blocked from
understanding it because your system is
out of alignment and unable to fully
integrate those new energies and
impressions. Or, if the imbalance were the
other way around, you might find that you
struggle to make time for spiritual or
creative pursuits and experience anxiety or
sleep issues.
There are many ways a misalignment
within the light-body can be experienced
and our energy shifts over time – hopefully
working towards its optimal state, as long
as we bring that balance into our lives
through conscious spiritual practice as part
of our daily lives.
On an energetic, but currently unconscious
level, many Pleiadian Starseeds (spiritual
seekers who feel a strong pull to the
Pleiadians) are beginning to feel their
connection to the stars and to the beings of
Light that contributed to the our evolution
as a species. In other mythologies these
beings are called Angels or Elohim, who are
often described as similar in appearance to
the Pleiadian Light-Beings: they are
typically described as tall humanoids with
pale or glowing skin, white or golden hair
and brilliant blue eyes. Similarly, the
Lemurian Light-Beings (who have strong
connections to the Pleiadians) are often
depicted with these characteristics. They
are also often identified by the deep blue
and gold of their auras - a high frequency
energy that they share with those who
have incarnated as Indigo Children or
Starseeds on earth at this time to assist
and support the ascension of the planet. If
you feel connected to the Stars or
fascinated by Ancient Lemuria and/or the
Pleiadians, it may be that soul memories
are being evoked for you at this time so
that you can choose to further align with
your spiritual inheritance and connect
again with your Star Tribe if you feel ready
Once you place your order, the work is
scheduled in the Temple Diary and the
preliminary work is completed within 24
hours. This allows my familiar spirits to
begin the foundational energetic
preparations with immediate effect &
means that positive changes & shifts may
be experienced before the opening
ceremony of the Intensive is performed.
This preliminary work smooths and
enhances the energy transmissions by
ensuring any blocks or impediments are
cleared so that the energy updates can
manifest fully during the intensive.
Pleiadian Star Centre Portal
Activations 7-Day Magickal
Intensive: £600
Chakra Healing & Activation Magickal Intensives
Banishing & Blessings Magickal Intensives
Killing Moon Karmic Reversal 30-Day Ritual Intensive
Article: How Magick Works
About Maya
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(Maya) - Mystic, Muse & Artist:
Mayastar Academy of Natural Healing & Spiritual
Development - Online distance learning energy
attunement courses
Maya Muses Blog
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ALL SPELLS are worked by Maya; Devoted High Priestess
of the Gardnerian Tradition & 3rd Degree Witch with over
30 years experience | Witch Queen & Magna Mater of the
Mater Aeterna Coven Matrix | All spells and rituals are
written by Maya and are genuine crafted workings
combining shamanism, ritual magick, seidr, galdr and
traditional witchcraft in a unique, highly powerful and
effective comprehensive method. As a Mage of the 7th
Order, my work is exclusive, inimitable & potent. If you
are not serious about your wishes, my spells are not for
you; they work and all the magickal services I provide
are the genuine article | Beware of imitations!
Disclaimer: With regard to spells purchased through
Maya Magickal: Magick cannot guarantee specific
outcomes and Maya accepts no responsibility for
any loss or damages resulting directly or indirectly
from any work carried out on a client's behalf.
Likewise, any advice provided to an inquirer or
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client/inquirer accepts full responsibility for their
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inquirer at first contact or on purchase.
Mayastar (Anna Louise May) 2025