Copyright Mayastar - Anna Louise May, Maya
Mayastar - Anna Louise May (Maya) 2025
ALL SPELLS are worked by Maya; Devoted High Priestess of the Gardnerian Tradition & 3rd Degree witch with over 30 years experience | Witch Queen & Magna Mater of the Mater Aeterna Coven Matrix | All spells and rituals are written by Maya and are genuine crafted workings combining shamanism, ritual magick, seidr, galdr and traditional witchcraft in a unique, highly powerful and effective comprehensive method. As a Mage of the 7th Order, my work is exclusive, inimitable & potent. If you are not serious about your wishes, my spells are not for you; they work and all the magickal services I provide are the genuine article | Beware of imitations! Other Sites Associated with Anna Louise May (Maya) | Mystic, Muse & Artist: Mayastar Academy of Natural Healing & Spiritual Development (online distance learning energy attunement courses) Cookie Policy, Conditions of Sale, Legal Notices, Terms of Use & Privacy Policy Disclaimer: With regard to spells purchased through Maya Magickal: Magick cannot guarantee specific outcomes and Maya accepts no responsibility for any loss or damages resulting directly or indirectly from any work carried out on a client's behalf. Likewise, any advice provided to an inquirer or client is given as subjective and non-professional advice only and no guarantee of its validity, accuracy or correctness can be made. As such, the client/inquirer accepts full responsibility for their choices and actions in all matters. It is understood that these terms of use are accepted by the client/inquirer at first contact or on purchase.

Magickal Chakra Healing, Light-Body

Activation & Spiritual Initiation


The three component options of the Magickal Healing Intensive Ritual Programmes are each 7 days long and may be taken consecutively.

The Chakra Healing & Auric Cleansing

This Intensive balances the Chakra centres for complete harmony of the system to optimise the energetic condition for any kind of work as well as for healing on any level (mental, spiritual, physical, emotional and so on). This is an intensive programme of 7 rituals and may be taken at any time. When the energy field is fully balanced, your energy field is naturally protected; when there is disharmony or imbalance (whether caused by internal or external circumstances), the energy field is vulnerable to psychic attack (which may be deliberate or unconscious) and also increases your risk of picking up and taking on the energy of other people; which can be very problematic. Auric Cleansing to remove debris of negative influences or negative habits completes each ritual and so it is a full healing and cleansing programme that you may use at any time and is suitable for anyone who would like intensive healing and cleansing.

The Initiatory Ascension Empowerments

The Initiatory Ascension may be taken alone or with the other Intensives; for the most potent results, I would always recommend the Chakra Healing & Auric Cleansing be taken as a preliminary; however, this isn't a pre-requisite. If any imbalance exists, the grounding nature of these ascension activations ensures you remain protected energetically during the process. However, imbalance or blockage that exists may impede the results to some extent. So for the most effective programme, I would recommend the Chakra Healing & Auric Cleansing taken as a preliminary programme to ensure the most powerful results. These Ritual-Based Initiatory Empowerments follow the 7 day sequence and each works to further activate the energy centres to increase the flow of Life Force Energy throughout the whole system. A grounding ritual included as part of these Initiations ensure your energetic integrity is maintained even as the flow is enhanced. The Ascension Initiation Empowerments work to clear any blockages or resistance to channelling or psychic work a person may be experiencing, while at the same time, the healing component ensures the energy remains fully grounded during the process. This is important as where a lack of grounding persists, it is impossible for the student or lightworker to manifest higher energy vibrations fully; and there are a number of side effects associated with being ungrounded which you can read about here: Generally problems with grounding occur during times of stress, when students are new to energy work and not aware of this need and also, not sensitive enough to notice the effects of ungrounded energy. But it can be extremely serious and prevent you from achieving your full potential in any kind of energy work, psychic work, spiritual development work and so on. So all may choose to benefit from this new Magickal Healing Intensive Programme. In some situations where there is unbalanced energy due to a persistent problem, it would be recommended to receive the Chakra Healing & Aura Cleansing Intensive preceding these ritual Empowerments to achieve the best results. You may also choose to take the Initiatory Ascension Empowerments (as well as the Light Body Activation Initiatory Empowerments - if these apply to you, read on for more information) for the most comprehensive solution available from ritual magickal healing, cleansing and activation of the energy centres; increasing the energy flow and resolving imbalance to enhance your psychic and intuitive faculties and your spiritual health and abilities with a more extensive programme. The Chakra Healing/Auric Cleansing & Ascension Initiations, may both be used for general healing; they are focused predominantly on achieving full harmony and congruence of the system to achieve the equilibrium and balance on all levels.

The Light Body Activation Initiatory Empowerments

These may be taken AFTER the Chakra Healing & Auric Cleansing Programme (there is no grounding component to these initiations and so it is essential for safety that some ritual healing has already taken place) because these attunements not only further increase the flow of energy, they raise the vibration of the energy of the system throughout, acting as a powerful spiritual initiation. This process is sometimes referred to as the Activation of the Light Body and it is an intense process whatever reason you are choosing to take this step for. The increase in the flow and vibration of Universal Life Force energy is not forced but your current level of ascension is the guideline the Universe uses when increasing spiritual power and enhancing the gifts (such as psychic senses, magickal focus, manifesting, healing and so on) during this programme of 7 Light Body Activation Initiation Rituals. It is vital the anyone taking this Intensive be aware of how to ground themselves and maintain a balanced energy field through self healing or meditative techniques because we are working with extremely high vibrations and if not properly used, this process can exacerbate disharmony and actually increase an imbalance that exists in the energy field. So it is vital the full healing option has already been taken. And preferably, the Initiatory Ascension Empowerments as well. The programme of initiations may be repeated in consecutive cycles or from time to time as a method of enhancing and developing the spiritual proficiency and mastery. They will serve to reinforce and heighten spiritual gifts and abilities through further Light Body Initiation. This may be considered a process of ascension that can be used independently of others, however, I recommend that it be used by those who are already consciously active in their spiritual work whether they are developing as psychics, channellers, Lightworkers, healers, intuitives, working with the paranormal or working with magick. Without conscious participation in your ascension work, a Light Body Activation Initiation Intensive, would be akin to paying for a six month gym membership and expecting it to show results without you actually going to the gym. So Light Body Initiation is the domain of the serious Lightworker, Mage, Witch, Healer and Light- Devoted acolyte. __________________________ So as you can see, there are three parts to the Initiation Empowerment Rituals available to you. The 7 Day Chakra Clearing & Auric Cleansing Ritual Programme | The 7 Day Ascension Initiatory Empowerment Ritual Programme | The 7 Day Light Body Initiatory Empowerment Ritual Programme. Generally, workings will be carried out on consecutive days unless arranged specifically with the client. As these are initiatory in nature, there isn't any necessity to observe lunar, solar and planetary currents. However, I do recommend the recipient of the ritual spend thirty minutes a day each day for the period of the intensive in quiet meditation; consciously allowing the effects to be received and fully manifested. As it is most beneficial to take more than one programme, and they build upon each other, the options for payment are detailed below. NOTE: Those seeking a personal energy healing intensive, can choose to have the 21 day programme focused on Chakra Healing. The 21 day programme includes 21 thirty minute energy transmissions that the recipient can ‘call in’ at their convenience. 7 Day Chakra Clearing & Auric Cleansing Ritual Intensive: £250 14 Day Cleansing & Ascension Initiatory Empowerment Ritual Intensive: £450 21 Day Ascension & Light Body Activation Initiation Intensive: £600
A Child Meditates As Healing Light Flows From Their Hands & Magick Surrounds Them
Visit the Maya Muses Blog for art, articles & Maya’s Daily Spiritual Guidance Tarot Readings for the collective every Monday!
_________________________________________ Chakra Healing & Activation Magickal Intensives Banishing & Blessings Magickal Intensives Killing Moon Karmic Reversal 30-Day Ritual Intensive Article: How Magick Works About Maya Email Me _________________________________________ Other Sites Associated with Anna Louise May (Maya) - Mystic, Muse & Artist: Mayastar Academy of Natural Healing & Spiritual Development - Online distance learning energy attunement courses Maya Muses Blog Cookie Policy, Conditions of Sale, Legal Notices, Terms of Use & Privacy Policy _________________________________________ ALL SPELLS are worked by Maya; Devoted High Priestess of the Gardnerian Tradition & 3rd Degree Witch with over 30 years experience | Witch Queen & Magna Mater of the Mater Aeterna Coven Matrix | All spells and rituals are written by Maya and are genuine crafted workings combining shamanism, ritual magick, seidr, galdr and traditional witchcraft in a unique, highly powerful and effective comprehensive method. As a Mage of the 7th Order, my work is exclusive, inimitable & potent. If you are not serious about your wishes, my spells are not for you; they work and all the magickal services I provide are the genuine article | Beware of imitations! _________________________________________ Disclaimer: With regard to spells purchased through Maya Magickal: Magick cannot guarantee specific outcomes and Maya accepts no responsibility for any loss or damages resulting directly or indirectly from any work carried out on a client's behalf. Likewise, any advice provided to an inquirer or client is given as subjective and non-professional advice only and no guarantee of its validity, accuracy or correctness can be made. As such, the client/inquirer accepts full responsibility for their choices and actions in all matters. It is understood that these terms of use are accepted by the client/ inquirer at first contact or on purchase.
Magickal Chakra Healing, Light-Body Activation & Spiritual Initiation Intensives The three component options of the Magickal Healing Intensive Ritual Programmes are each 7 days long and may be taken consecutively. The Chakra Healing & Auric Cleansing This Intensive balances the Chakra centres for complete harmony of the system to optimise the energetic condition for any kind of work as well as for healing on any level (mental, spiritual, physical, emotional and so on). This is an intensive programme of 7 rituals and may be taken at any time. When the energy field is fully balanced, your energy field is naturally protected; when there is disharmony or imbalance (whether caused by internal or external circumstances), the energy field is vulnerable to psychic attack (which may be deliberate or unconscious) and also increases your risk of picking up and taking on the energy of other people; which can be very problematic. Auric Cleansing to remove debris of negative influences or negative habits completes each ritual and so it is a full healing and cleansing programme that you may use at any time and is suitable for anyone who would like intensive healing and cleansing. The Initiatory Ascension Empowerments The Initiatory Ascension may be taken alone or with the other Intensives; for the most potent results, I would always recommend the Chakra Healing & Auric Cleansing be taken as a preliminary; however, this isn't a pre-requisite. If any imbalance exists, the grounding nature of these ascension activations ensures you remain protected energetically during the process. However, imbalance or blockage that exists may impede the results to some extent. So for the most effective programme, I would recommend the Chakra Healing & Auric Cleansing taken as a preliminary programme to ensure the most powerful results. These Ritual-Based Initiatory Empowerments follow the 7 day sequence and each works to further activate the energy centres to increase the flow of Life Force Energy throughout the whole system. A grounding ritual included as part of these Initiations ensure your energetic integrity is maintained even as the flow is enhanced. The Ascension Initiation Empowerments work to clear any blockages or resistance to channelling or psychic work a person may be experiencing, while at the same time, the healing component ensures the energy remains fully grounded during the process. This is important as where a lack of grounding persists, it is impossible for the student or lightworker to manifest higher energy vibrations fully; and there are a number of side effects associated with being ungrounded which you can read about here: Generally problems with grounding occur during times of stress, when students are new to energy work and not aware of this need and also, not sensitive enough to notice the effects of ungrounded energy. But it can be extremely serious and prevent you from achieving your full potential in any kind of energy work, psychic work, spiritual development work and so on. So all may choose to benefit from this new Magickal Healing Intensive Programme. In some situations where there is unbalanced energy due to a persistent problem, it would be recommended to receive the Chakra Healing & Aura Cleansing Intensive preceding these ritual Empowerments to achieve the best results. You may also choose to take the Initiatory Ascension Empowerments (as well as the Light Body Activation Initiatory Empowerments - if these apply to you, read on for more information) for the most comprehensive solution available from ritual magickal healing, cleansing and activation of the energy centres; increasing the energy flow and resolving imbalance to enhance your psychic and intuitive faculties and your spiritual health and abilities with a more extensive programme. The Chakra Healing/Auric Cleansing & Ascension Initiations, may both be used for general healing; they are focused predominantly on achieving full harmony and congruence of the system to achieve the equilibrium and balance on all levels. The Light Body Activation Initiatory Empowerments These may be taken AFTER the Chakra Healing & Auric Cleansing Programme (there is no grounding component to these initiations and so it is essential for safety that some ritual healing has already taken place) because these attunements not only further increase the flow of energy, they raise the vibration of the energy of the system throughout, acting as a powerful spiritual initiation. This process is sometimes referred to as the Activation of the Light Body and it is an intense process whatever reason you are choosing to take this step for. The increase in the flow and vibration of Universal Life Force energy is not forced but your current level of ascension is the guideline the Universe uses when increasing spiritual power and enhancing the gifts (such as psychic senses, magickal focus, manifesting, healing and so on) during this programme of 7 Light Body Activation Initiation Rituals. It is vital the anyone taking this Intensive be aware of how to ground themselves and maintain a balanced energy field through self healing or meditative techniques because we are working with extremely high vibrations and if not properly used, this process can exacerbate disharmony and actually increase an imbalance that exists in the energy field. So it is vital the full healing option has already been taken. And preferably, the Initiatory Ascension Empowerments as well. The programme of initiations may be repeated in consecutive cycles or from time to time as a method of enhancing and developing the spiritual proficiency and mastery. They will serve to reinforce and heighten spiritual gifts and abilities through further Light Body Initiation. This may be considered a process of ascension that can be used independently of others, however, I recommend that it be used by those who are already consciously active in their spiritual work whether they are developing as psychics, channellers, Lightworkers, healers, intuitives, working with the paranormal or working with magick. Without conscious participation in your ascension work, a Light Body Activation Initiation Intensive, would be akin to paying for a six month gym membership and expecting it to show results without you actually going to the gym. So Light Body Initiation is the domain of the serious Lightworker, Mage, Witch, Healer and Light- Devoted acolyte. __________________________ So as you can see, there are three parts to the Initiation Empowerment Rituals available to you. The 7 Day Chakra Clearing & Auric Cleansing Ritual Programme | The 7 Day Ascension Initiatory Empowerment Ritual Programme | The 7 Day Light Body Initiatory Empowerment Ritual Programme. Generally, workings will be carried out on consecutive days unless arranged specifically with the client. As these are initiatory in nature, there isn't any necessity to observe lunar, solar and planetary currents. However, I do recommend the recipient of the ritual spend thirty minutes a day each day for the period of the intensive in quiet meditation; consciously allowing the effects to be received and fully manifested. As it is most beneficial to take more than one programme, and they build upon each other, the options for payment are detailed below. NOTE: Those seeking a personal energy healing intensive, can choose to have the 21 day programme focused on Chakra Healing. The 21 day programme includes 21 thirty minute energy transmissions that the recipient can ‘call in’ at their convenience. 7 Day Chakra Clearing & Auric Cleansing Ritual Intensive: £250 14 Day Cleansing & Ascension Initiatory Empowerment Ritual Intensive: £450 21 Day Ascension & Light Body Activation Initiation Intensive : £600
Copyright Mayastar - Anna Louise May, Maya
Mayastar (Anna Louise May) 2025
A Child Meditates As Healing Light Flows From Their Hands & Magick Surrounds Them