Copyright Mayastar - Anna Louise May, Maya
Mayastar - Anna Louise May (Maya) 2025
ALL SPELLS are worked by Maya; Devoted High Priestess of the Gardnerian Tradition & 3rd Degree witch with over 30 years experience | Witch Queen & Magna Mater of the Mater Aeterna Coven Matrix | All spells and rituals are written by Maya and are genuine crafted workings combining shamanism, ritual magick, seidr, galdr and traditional witchcraft in a unique, highly powerful and effective comprehensive method. As a Mage of the 7th Order, my work is exclusive, inimitable & potent. If you are not serious about your wishes, my spells are not for you; they work and all the magickal services I provide are the genuine article | Beware of imitations! Other Sites Associated with Anna Louise May (Maya) | Mystic, Muse & Artist: Mayastar Academy of Natural Healing & Spiritual Development (online distance learning energy attunement courses) Cookie Policy, Conditions of Sale, Legal Notices, Terms of Use & Privacy Policy Disclaimer: With regard to spells purchased through Maya Magickal: Magick cannot guarantee specific outcomes and Maya accepts no responsibility for any loss or damages resulting directly or indirectly from any work carried out on a client's behalf. Likewise, any advice provided to an inquirer or client is given as subjective and non-professional advice only and no guarantee of its validity, accuracy or correctness can be made. As such, the client/inquirer accepts full responsibility for their choices and actions in all matters. It is understood that these terms of use are accepted by the client/inquirer at first contact or on purchase.

About Me...

Welcome to Maya Magickal! Maya Magickal is part of the Mayastar Group which is part in turn of the Lux Aeterna Temple University; Maya Magickal being aligned in part with my work as Magna Mater of the Mater Aeterna Coven Matrix. I hope you will find the material on the site interesting and if I can assist you in any way, I look forward to working on your behalf. My name is Anna Louise May (Maya) and I am a natural born witch. I began learning witchcraft (starting with ritual work rather than spells) when I was very young and at 19 was officially initiated as a 3rd degree High Priestess in the Gardnerian Wiccan Tradition. However, my early initiation into 'modern Wicca' was just the start; my magickal work has seen me develop my skills through many different magickal systems. Having worked magickally now for over 20 years I have gained the experience and ability that has allowed me to find my own way of working; the most effective way for me; this means my spells are always worked as efficaciously as possible as my will is directed in a state of pure resonance and congruence with my higher self. Because of this, I feel confident in sharing my abilities with others. In my personal work I focus mainly on the shamanic traditions - in particular the Seidr and Galdr traditions of the ancient Norse; as well as Initiation Training in my role as Magna Mater of the Mater Aeterna Coven Matrix which teaches Goddess based empowerment ritual work as method of spiritual development and empowerment. My main work is teaching energy healing techniques through - and my magickal work means that I focus on working on behalf of others in the main. For more information on how I work please follow this link... When I work magickally on behalf of another person, I don't invoke Gods/Goddesses in the way that other magickal practitioners might. This is because the relationships you build with higher spiritual beings are very personal and they are not just there to give you what you want; you pray to gods and goddesses and they can certainly assist in your magickal and spiritual development; but it is a two way relationship. So when comes to spell crafting, every witch worth her salt, carries out the work independently of other beings and through working with natural forces of Universal Energy that are expressed throughout creation (seen and unseen). The forces of nature have their own 'intelligence' but are essentially neutral; for example, the energies of the four elements, the sun and the moon. These energies are 'impersonal' in a sense but also part of all of us so we resonate strongly with them and can use them to shape our reality. In contrast, it couldn't be said that any particular god/goddess or spiritual being is neutral. So you can hopefully see from that why the work I do can be considered 'safe' and appropriate no matter what your personal religious views or observations may be. These natural universal powers are harnessed in my spell work and focussed using the skills I have developed over many years in channelling energy and also my natural abilities with spell crafting. My magickal 'career' has been a wonderful, enriching and prosperous journey in every possible way! And it's my pleasure to be able to share my good fortune with others through the spells I create and perform for them. My spells have proved extremely successful and often success comes overnight; sometimes within a week; though more often changes unfold over a number of weeks or a few months. For specific information on how spells work please follow this link... This is not only to do with any 'resistance' there may be to the spell (see below), but also the fact that things must always unfold in 'divine order' to ensure it's for your greater good. If you used magick to force you to give you what you want but it wasn't right for you (or just wasn't the right time), you might expect a karmic 'kick up the bum' due to the instability you'd created. Magick is a very effective way of taking control of your life and effecting the changes in the present to draw the future you desire. I know that some people worry about the karmic implications of magick and casting spells. And this indeed is something that should be considered. But with the way I work (outlined above), I also bind every spell fully so that there is no possibility of it being forced, unstable or unpredictable. So all spells are 'programmed' (for want of a better word), to unfold at the right time and in the right sequence for the individual. This way, nothing is forced in a dangerous way; I know that other witches work differently, but I've always found spells work faster and with less resistance if they are worked in accordance with Universal Wyrd (fate) rather than against it! This way, changes come smoothly; a forced change (even one you want) can cause unnecessary stress and emotional upheaval. So this pretty much covers how I work. Now, for me to do a spell on someone's behalf, unlike with other types of magick, I don't require a physical focus such as hair or nail clippings. This is because I'm working to effect change on a spiritual level that will then be reflected through all levels to manifest in their life. My magick is 'seeded' in the astral realm and it grows throughout all levels. The client's name and address (and it's always nice to have a photo - which can be emailed so I can get more of a feel for who I'm working with) are perfectly adequate for this purpose. Spells can be cast for any number of reasons. If you have a specific situation and aren't sure what you require, just email me and I can advise you on this. As you can appreciate, my personal Book of Shadows (spell book and magickal record) has become very extensive over time! And I've gained a good deal of experience and ability in my craft. Of course, there are no guarantees with magick; there are many variables. One of the most important things with spell working is that you keep the fact that you're using magick a secret. Because people who 'seem' to agree with the fact, may subconsciously have issues with it and may subconsciously impede the work on an energetic level. So client confidentiality is assured. And I advise you to observe this silence too. The other most common variable is that a client may have issues associated with changing their situation; for example, they may want to attract love into their lives but fear this will mean a commitment that will affect their career. This can slow up the manifestation of a spell to draw love into their lives; but the way I work means the spell will work in the present (helping them to deal with their issues and work out their feelings) to manifest the desired outcome in the future. And this will come if it is truly desired and in accordance with the Universal Wyrd. If you wish to have a spell cast on your behalf just 'to see' or 'for a laugh', then please don't waste my time. The work I do takes time and effort and my spells are powerful. Don't ask for something you don't really want; you might just get it! But if you are serious about taking control of your life and opening yourself up the future you desire and deserve, then email me with your requirements and I'll be honoured to assist you in drawing to yourself a happier future and the life you desire. If you are interested in natural healing and spiritual development, you may also visit Articles: How Magick Works Do Spells “Run Out”?
Modelling Image of Maya in Coombe Wood PreRaphaelite Style
Visit the Maya Muses Blog for art, articles & Maya’s Daily Spiritual Guidance Tarot Readings for the collective every Monday!
_________________________________________ Chakra Healing & Activation Magickal Intensives Banishing & Blessings Magickal Intensives Killing Moon Karmic Reversal 30-Day Ritual Intensive Article: How Magick Works About Maya Email Me _________________________________________ Other Sites Associated with Anna Louise May (Maya) - Mystic, Muse & Artist: Mayastar Academy of Natural Healing & Spiritual Development - Online distance learning energy attunement courses Maya Muses Blog Cookie Policy, Conditions of Sale, Legal Notices, Terms of Use & Privacy Policy _________________________________________ ALL SPELLS are worked by Maya; Devoted High Priestess of the Gardnerian Tradition & 3rd Degree Witch with over 30 years experience | Witch Queen & Magna Mater of the Mater Aeterna Coven Matrix | All spells and rituals are written by Maya and are genuine crafted workings combining shamanism, ritual magick, seidr, galdr and traditional witchcraft in a unique, highly powerful and effective comprehensive method. As a Mage of the 7th Order, my work is exclusive, inimitable & potent. If you are not serious about your wishes, my spells are not for you; they work and all the magickal services I provide are the genuine article | Beware of imitations! _________________________________________ Disclaimer: With regard to spells purchased through Maya Magickal: Magick cannot guarantee specific outcomes and Maya accepts no responsibility for any loss or damages resulting directly or indirectly from any work carried out on a client's behalf. Likewise, any advice provided to an inquirer or client is given as subjective and non-professional advice only and no guarantee of its validity, accuracy or correctness can be made. As such, the client/inquirer accepts full responsibility for their choices and actions in all matters. It is understood that these terms of use are accepted by the client/ inquirer at first contact or on purchase.
Modelling Image of Maya in Coombe Wood PreRaphaelite Style

About Me...

Welcome to Maya Magickal! Maya Magickal is part of the Mayastar Group which is part in turn of the Lux Aeterna Temple University; Maya Magickal being aligned in part with my work as Magna Mater of the Mater Aeterna Coven Matrix. I hope you will find the material on the site interesting and if I can assist you in any way, I look forward to working on your behalf. My name is Anna Louise May (Maya) and I am a natural born witch. I began learning witchcraft (starting with ritual work rather than spells) when I was very young and at 19 was officially initiated as a 3rd degree High Priestess in the Gardnerian Wiccan Tradition. However, my early initiation into 'modern Wicca' was just the start; my magickal work has seen me develop my skills through many different magickal systems. Having worked magickally now for over 20 years I have gained the experience and ability that has allowed me to find my own way of working; the most effective way for me; this means my spells are always worked as efficaciously as possible as my will is directed in a state of pure resonance and congruence with my higher self. Because of this, I feel confident in sharing my abilities with others. In my personal work I focus mainly on the shamanic traditions - in particular the Seidr and Galdr traditions of the ancient Norse; as well as Initiation Training in my role as Magna Mater of the Mater Aeterna Coven Matrix which teaches Goddess based empowerment ritual work as method of spiritual development and empowerment. My main work is teaching energy healing techniques through - and my magickal work means that I focus on working on behalf of others in the main. For more information on how I work please follow this link... When I work magickally on behalf of another person, I don't invoke Gods/Goddesses in the way that other magickal practitioners might. This is because the relationships you build with higher spiritual beings are very personal and they are not just there to give you what you want; you pray to gods and goddesses and they can certainly assist in your magickal and spiritual development; but it is a two way relationship. So when comes to spell crafting, every witch worth her salt, carries out the work independently of other beings and through working with natural forces of Universal Energy that are expressed throughout creation (seen and unseen). The forces of nature have their own 'intelligence' but are essentially neutral; for example, the energies of the four elements, the sun and the moon. These energies are 'impersonal' in a sense but also part of all of us so we resonate strongly with them and can use them to shape our reality. In contrast, it couldn't be said that any particular god/goddess or spiritual being is neutral. So you can hopefully see from that why the work I do can be considered 'safe' and appropriate no matter what your personal religious views or observations may be. These natural universal powers are harnessed in my spell work and focussed using the skills I have developed over many years in channelling energy and also my natural abilities with spell crafting. My magickal 'career' has been a wonderful, enriching and prosperous journey in every possible way! And it's my pleasure to be able to share my good fortune with others through the spells I create and perform for them. My spells have proved extremely successful and often success comes overnight; sometimes within a week; though more often changes unfold over a number of weeks or a few months. For specific information on how spells work please follow this link... This is not only to do with any 'resistance' there may be to the spell (see below), but also the fact that things must always unfold in 'divine order' to ensure it's for your greater good. If you used magick to force you to give you what you want but it wasn't right for you (or just wasn't the right time), you might expect a karmic 'kick up the bum' due to the instability you'd created. Magick is a very effective way of taking control of your life and effecting the changes in the present to draw the future you desire. I know that some people worry about the karmic implications of magick and casting spells. And this indeed is something that should be considered. But with the way I work (outlined above), I also bind every spell fully so that there is no possibility of it being forced, unstable or unpredictable. So all spells are 'programmed' (for want of a better word), to unfold at the right time and in the right sequence for the individual. This way, nothing is forced in a dangerous way; I know that other witches work differently, but I've always found spells work faster and with less resistance if they are worked in accordance with Universal Wyrd (fate) rather than against it! This way, changes come smoothly; a forced change (even one you want) can cause unnecessary stress and emotional upheaval. So this pretty much covers how I work. Now, for me to do a spell on someone's behalf, unlike with other types of magick, I don't require a physical focus such as hair or nail clippings. This is because I'm working to effect change on a spiritual level that will then be reflected through all levels to manifest in their life. My magick is 'seeded' in the astral realm and it grows throughout all levels. The client's name and address (and it's always nice to have a photo - which can be emailed so I can get more of a feel for who I'm working with) are perfectly adequate for this purpose. Spells can be cast for any number of reasons. If you have a specific situation and aren't sure what you require, just email me and I can advise you on this. As you can appreciate, my personal Book of Shadows (spell book and magickal record) has become very extensive over time! And I've gained a good deal of experience and ability in my craft. Of course, there are no guarantees with magick; there are many variables. One of the most important things with spell working is that you keep the fact that you're using magick a secret. Because people who 'seem' to agree with the fact, may subconsciously have issues with it and may subconsciously impede the work on an energetic level. So client confidentiality is assured. And I advise you to observe this silence too. The other most common variable is that a client may have issues associated with changing their situation; for example, they may want to attract love into their lives but fear this will mean a commitment that will affect their career. This can slow up the manifestation of a spell to draw love into their lives; but the way I work means the spell will work in the present (helping them to deal with their issues and work out their feelings) to manifest the desired outcome in the future. And this will come if it is truly desired and in accordance with the Universal Wyrd. If you wish to have a spell cast on your behalf just 'to see' or 'for a laugh', then please don't waste my time. The work I do takes time and effort and my spells are powerful. Don't ask for something you don't really want; you might just get it! But if you are serious about taking control of your life and opening yourself up the future you desire and deserve, then email me with your requirements and I'll be honoured to assist you in drawing to yourself a happier future and the life you desire. If you are interested in natural healing and spiritual development, you may also visit Articles: How Magick Works Do Spells “Run Out”?
Copyright Mayastar - Anna Louise May, Maya
Mayastar (Anna Louise May) 2025