Copyright Mayastar - Anna Louise May, Maya
Mayastar - Anna Louise May (Maya) 2025
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...natural magickal solutions to resolve problems & achieve your goals... Fast results Every spell is exclusively devised & performed by Maya Powerful & effective spells tailored to your requirements Magickal Intensives for personal initiation, empowerment, development of spiritual gifts, healing & resolution of negative karmic bonds No hidden charges All workings karmically sound



Spell packages of 3 or more options incur a 20% discount on the individual fees. A set of 3 specific applications is £192 instead of £240. If the options below don't fit your specific requirement, please email me with your request and I'll reply quickly to let you know what I would be able to do for you. NOTE: You will receive a detailed MAYA MAGICKAL INFORMATION MANUAL with your purchase that explains how spells work and actions you can take to enhance the manifestation of magickal change! All spells, tantric shamanic workings, magickal intensives & empowerment rituals are expertly crafted & individually cast by an experienced & traditionally initiated witch. Triple Spell Casting Package - If you wish to buy 3 spells at one time, please select this option and then email me to let me know which spells you would like to choose. This option incurs a 20% discount on the regular prices so you pay £192 instead of £240 for the package. In situations where a long-standing circumstance or condition is involved, it can be useful to have a spell repeated over consecutive days/weeks/months for a more intensive working. Additionally a combination of workings may serve to contribute different aspects of resolution to a situation and create a more powerful effect over all. Reversal of Ill-Fortune Spell - This spell is useful in situations where general reversal of negativity is required. Often this can be in the case where there is a disruptive influence in the home or work environment; bullying, drug addiction, depression, anger, illness and so on can all have a negative effect on those around the person involved. The reversal does not work to give them a 'dose of their own medicine' but rather it works to ensure that if there is a negative karmic connection there, it is resolved and the oppressive influence is neutralised and any ill effects are reversed. This generally leaves a sense of freedom and empowerment than can often help you to take steps to find a permanent solution where this is possible. This spell is also popular as a regular working on behalf of businesses to ensure negative customers or the effects of competitive attitudes from others don't affect the efficacy and success of your work or business. Exorcism - This may be used to exorcise negative energy or entities from a building or from around a person. It will dispel those energies and raise the vibration to make the environment or aura unappealing to lower astral beings too. In cases where there is possession or occupation of a building that has been ongoing, an exorcism may need to be repeated for a permanent result or used in conjunction with the Reversal and Protection Spells. Reversal of Malicious Intent - The Reversal Spell may resolve many problems but in the case where conscious malicious intentions are behind the negative karmic bonds being formed (such as in the case of jealousy, deceit, abuse, bullying, harassment, gossip or any other destructive behaviours directed at you), this spell works very specifically to reverse the intention behind the action. Good-Fortune Drawing Spell - This is a general working drawing all elements of high vibrational energy to you to manifest in a generalised way in all areas of your life. This is an excellent working to use after a reversal or exorcism in order to rebuild the energy around you with higher frequencies that prevent the same problems recurring. This is often used in conjunction with the reversal spell by business people and salesmen as an ongoing precaution to protect and develop their business without concerns about negative influences restricting this in any way. Financial Prosperity Spell - This spell works to evoke energies of prosperity and abundance and open you to connect to these universal forces allowing a more complete manifestation of prosperity, specifically in the area of finance. High John the Conqueror Spell - This powerful working stands alone in attracting positive influences, good fortune and luck in all areas of life. It also can be used to increase the effectiveness of any other working. Psychic Development Spell - This spell works to develop intuition and psychic ability. It is also useful for developing greater understanding through empathy, developing clairvoyant skills, scrying, tarot, divination of any method and more sensitivity to subtle energies in energy healing work, crystal therapy, magick and so on. Psychic Self Defence Spell - For protection on a psychic and spiritual level. Particularly useful to those on a spiritual development or ascension path who may find themselves suddenly more sensitive to low vibrations. Also for those practising magick or to protect from psychic attack. Self Love Spell - This spell works to develop self esteem and promote feelings of positivity and confidence. Particularly useful to those who are prone to negative self talk or involved in destructive habits or behaviours. And those negative memories they struggle with. A very healing effect. Love Drawing Spell - To attract love into one's life. This surrounds the aura with loving energy and will work to attract romantic relationships specifically as well as creating an aura of attractiveness and increasing personal self esteem to an extent as well. Soul Mate Drawing Spell - For attracting soul development relationships into one's life. These may be romantic in nature or deep friendships that have an impact on your spiritual growth. These are life changing relationships and only if you are serious about pursuing your spiritual path should you seek out a soul mate as often these relationships will bring big changes with them too! Aura of Enchantment Spell - This wonderful working creates an attractive and magnetic aura around you. This is wonderful for developing friendships, relationships, romance, business connections and all kinds of interaction. This spell ensures you will exude a compelling influence on those around you and is very empowering. Used with High John the Conqueror it is a formidable combination! Aphrodisiac Attraction Spell - This spell not only increases your sex appeal specifically but also your attractiveness in other ways. It also has the effect of increasing your sense of your attractiveness and libido. It can have an aphrodisiac effect on you and those around you. So buy with caution! Business Success Spell - Can be used alone or in combination with the Reversal, High John the Conqueror, Aura of Enchantment, Good Fortune and Financial Prosperity Spell for an extremely intense working. This spell works on all areas to assure business success and the manifestation of your goals. Freedom from Addiction Spell - A variation on the negative habits cleansing spell and with healing components to assist you in quitting any negative habit by alleviating the thought patterns that surround addiction and easing any side effects from the change you are making; in particular those of a psychological nature which most often undermine good intentions. This spell may also be adapted to quit smoking, drinking, comfort eating, negative self talk, destructive habits or drug abuse; any kind of addictive behaviour at all. This makes it extremely useful as an aid to weight loss too. It can be tailored to focus on resolving any specific addiction on request. Healing Spell - May be used alone or in conjunction with other workings to facilitate healing on all levels (mind, body and spirit). In cases of release from addiction or after exorcism or a reversal it can assist in rebuilding one's reserves and increasing vitality and positivity. Magickal Enhancement Spell - This working can be used to increase the power and efficacy of any magickal practitioner regardless of their path. This working is suitable for Witches, Wiccans, Chaotes, Thelemites, Magicians, Shamans and anyone involved in magickal work at all. It is useful in re- establishing confidence after initiatory periods or 'dark nights' and in moving on from these with increased ability, understanding and wisdom. Crown of Success Spell - This spell is popular with anyone one who has ambitions or goals. Whether you are looking for a new job, a successful interview, assistance in a legal matter, improvement in business and in business relationships, networking, getting a promotion, pay rise or looking for a new home, this spell works to manifest success in your endeavours. It may also be combined with the Good Fortune and High John the Conqueror working for increased and faster results! Hex Breaking Spell - For use by those who either know or suspect they are under the influence of negative magick or psychic attack. It can be used in combination with the Reversal of Malicious Intent and Psychic Self Defence workings to increase the scope of the working. Adding High John the Conqueror will also speed and intensify the results of this or any working. Weight Loss Spell - Works on the principles of Freedom from Addiction and combines well with this and with the Healing Spell. The spell is tailored to aim specifically at the problems of overweight; negative self talk, negative self image, comfort eating, hypersensitivity. It also works to resolve subconscious reasons for weight issues. Ground & Centre Spell - For those involved in spiritual work, natural empaths, psychics, healers, counsellors, sensitives and those who experience problems grounding and the side effects of such (feeling jittery, unable to sleep, anxious and so on). This spell works specifically to aid grounding and promote inner peace. Sleep Right Spell - A powerful type of healing spell tailored for those who experience insomnia and difficulty in getting to sleep or staying asleep. It can also be helpful in the case of people who experience disturbingly vivid dreams or nightmares as it works at the level of the subconscious to resolve imbalance and restore natural, health giving sleep. Abundance & Attraction Spell - This powerful working is excellent for those engaged in manifestation work and already working with the Power of Attraction; however it has a powerful effect on the energy field and aligns the energy with frequencies of abundance, happiness, positivity and prosperity in all areas of life. Protection Spell - For protection from harm physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. This may also be used to enhance psychic self defence and to consolidate the effects of an exorcism or reversal spell. Inner Peace Spell - For the evocation of inner peace. This spell works on the basal vibrational auric frequency to induce a sense of peace, calm and well- being. It can be used at any time and to assist in developing good habits for those who often feel anxious. As such it may be combined with the Ground & Centre and Healing spells for an intensive magickal working. Beauty Enhancing Spell - Aligning you with aesthetically positive frequencies this spell enhances natural beauty - physically, but on all levels. The alignment is to objective concepts of beauty that are universally recognised but on request this spell may be tailored to specific areas too. Willpower Enhancement - A working that increases the power of one's will and prevents emotional and external influences from impacting on conscious intentions. This can be used to fortify the Weight Loss, Freedom from Addiction, Self Love and many other workings. It can also help with strengthening and consolidating the magickal will and in increasing decisiveness and drive. Health & Vitality Spell - This working increases the levels of health and vitality through work on the conscious and subconscious mind; attracting positive habits as well as naturally enhancing health and increasing vitality through the subtle adjustment of auric frequency. Swan Maiden Spell - This spell draws the power of the Wish Maiden/Swan Maiden to you. It aids manifestation work and develops luck and good fortune. A very positive energy and excellent in combination with other workings for drawing positive vibrations of all kinds. Traditionally the Swan/Wish Maidens were Valkyries and so this spell will draw you to your destiny as you wish it but according to right - it can't draw you into a negative situation (for example, it will not help you restore an abusive relationship as this would be contrary to your good fortune). It is a pure and powerful spell. By experience I recommend it in combination with High John the Conqueror and the Crown of Success for a spectacular result! Justice by Right Spell - This spell works to invoke justice in a situation. But be sure you are in the right because the justice dispensed is always according to right by this spell. It is not a hex nor a curse but is a spell that will bring vindication and resolve an imbalance fairly. Effectively as an eye for an eye. It should be requested with caution and only in extreme circumstances where you require justice and natural means have failed. It can assist in legal disputes too. But always it invokes justice by right so be certain you are in the right before you buy! This may be used in conjunction with other spells; the reversals and the Killing Moon work along similar lines and all these workings would support each other in resolving an outstanding animosity once and for all. But be certain the other person is the antagonist and you are not exacerbating the situation as justice is meted out fairly and indiscriminately by this powerful spell. If these categories don't fit your specific requirement, email me with your request and I'll reply quickly to let you know what I can do for you
ALL SPELLS are worked by Maya; Devoted High Priestess of the Gardnerian Tradition & 3rd Degree witch with over 30 years experience | Witch Queen & Magna Mater of the Mater Aeterna Coven Matrix | All spells and rituals are written by Maya and are genuine crafted workings combining shamanism, ritual magick, seidr, galdr and traditional witchcraft in a unique, highly powerful and effective comprehensive method. As a Mage of the 7th Order, my work is exclusive, inimitable & potent. If you are not serious about your wishes, my spells are not for you; they work and all the magickal services I provide are the genuine article | Beware of imitations! Other Sites Associated with Anna Louise May (Maya) | Mystic, Muse & Artist: Mayastar Academy of Natural Healing & Spiritual Development (online distance learning energy attunement courses) Cookie Policy, Conditions of Sale, Legal Notices, Terms of Use & Privacy Policy Disclaimer: With regard to spells purchased through Maya Magickal: Magick cannot guarantee specific outcomes and Maya accepts no responsibility for any loss or damages resulting directly or indirectly from any work carried out on a client's behalf. Likewise, any advice provided to an inquirer or client is given as subjective and non-professional advice only and no guarantee of its validity, accuracy or correctness can be made. As such, the client/inquirer accepts full responsibility for their choices and actions in all matters. It is understood that these terms of use are accepted by the client/inquirer at first contact or on purchase.
Visit the Maya Muses Blog for art, articles & Maya’s Daily Spiritual Guidance Tarot Readings for the collective every Monday!
...natural magickal solutions to resolve problems & achieve your goals... Fast results Every spell is exclusively devised & performed by Maya Powerful & effective spells tailored to your requirements Magickal Intensives for personal initiation, empowerment, development of spiritual gifts, healing & resolution of negative karmic bonds No hidden charges All workings karmically sound Specific Application Spells & Empowerment Rituals | Expertly crafted & individually cast by an experienced witch Spell packages of 3 or more options incur a 20% discount on the individual fees. A set of 3 specific applications is £192 instead of £240. If the options below don't fit your specific requirement, please email me with your request and I'll reply quickly to let you know what I would be able to do for you. NOTE: You will receive a detailed MAYA MAGICKAL INFORMATION MANUAL with your purchase that explains how spells work and actions you can take to enhance the manifestation of magickal change! Triple Spell Casting Package - If you wish to buy 3 spells at one time, please select this option and then email me to let me know which spells you would like to choose. This option incurs a 20% discount on the regular prices so you pay £192 instead of £240 for the package. In situations where a long-standing circumstance or condition is involved, it can be useful to have a spell repeated over consecutive days/weeks/months for a more intensive working. Additionally a combination of workings may serve to contribute different aspects of resolution to a situation and create a more powerful effect over all.
_________________________________________ Chakra Healing & Activation Magickal Intensives Banishing & Blessings Magickal Intensives Killing Moon Karmic Reversal 30-Day Ritual Intensive Article: How Magick Works About Maya Email Me _________________________________________ Other Sites Associated with Anna Louise May (Maya) - Mystic, Muse & Artist: Mayastar Academy of Natural Healing & Spiritual Development - Online distance learning energy attunement courses Maya Muses Blog Cookie Policy, Conditions of Sale, Legal Notices, Terms of Use & Privacy Policy _________________________________________ ALL SPELLS are worked by Maya; Devoted High Priestess of the Gardnerian Tradition & 3rd Degree Witch with over 30 years experience | Witch Queen & Magna Mater of the Mater Aeterna Coven Matrix | All spells and rituals are written by Maya and are genuine crafted workings combining shamanism, ritual magick, seidr, galdr and traditional witchcraft in a unique, highly powerful and effective comprehensive method. As a Mage of the 7th Order, my work is exclusive, inimitable & potent. If you are not serious about your wishes, my spells are not for you; they work and all the magickal services I provide are the genuine article | Beware of imitations! _________________________________________ Disclaimer: With regard to spells purchased through Maya Magickal: Magick cannot guarantee specific outcomes and Maya accepts no responsibility for any loss or damages resulting directly or indirectly from any work carried out on a client's behalf. Likewise, any advice provided to an inquirer or client is given as subjective and non-professional advice only and no guarantee of its validity, accuracy or correctness can be made. As such, the client/inquirer accepts full responsibility for their choices and actions in all matters. It is understood that these terms of use are accepted by the client/ inquirer at first contact or on purchase.
Reversal of Ill-Fortune Spell - This spell is useful in situations where general reversal of negativity is required. Often this can be in the case where there is a disruptive influence in the home or work environment; bullying, drug addiction, depression, anger, illness and so on can all have a negative effect on those around the person involved. The reversal does not work to give them a 'dose of their own medicine' but rather it works to ensure that if there is a negative karmic connection there, it is resolved and the oppressive influence is neutralised and any ill effects are reversed. This generally leaves a sense of freedom and empowerment than can often help you to take steps to find a permanent solution where this is possible. This spell is also popular as a regular working on behalf of businesses to ensure negative customers or the effects of competitive attitudes from others don't affect the efficacy and success of your work or business.
Exorcism - This may be used to exorcise negative energy or entities from a building or from around a person. It will dispel those energies and raise the vibration to make the environment or aura unappealing to lower astral beings too. In cases where there is possession or occupation of a building that has been ongoing, an exorcism may need to be repeated for a permanent result or used in conjunction with the Reversal and Protection Spells.
Reversal of Malicious Intent - The Reversal Spell may resolve many problems but in the case where conscious malicious intentions are behind the negative karmic bonds being formed (such as in the case of jealousy, deceit, abuse, bullying, harassment, gossip or any other destructive behaviours directed at you), this spell works very specifically to reverse the intention behind the action.
Good-Fortune Drawing Spell - This is a general working drawing all elements of high vibrational energy to you to manifest in a generalised way in all areas of your life. This is an excellent working to use after a reversal or exorcism in order to rebuild the energy around you with higher frequencies that prevent the same problems recurring. This is often used in conjunction with the reversal spell by business people and salesmen as an ongoing precaution to protect and develop their business without concerns about negative influences restricting this in any way.
Financial Prosperity Spell - This spell works to evoke energies of prosperity and abundance and open you to connect to these universal forces allowing a more complete manifestation of prosperity, specifically in the area of finance.
High John the Conqueror Spell - This powerful working stands alone in attracting positive influences, good fortune and luck in all areas of life. It also can be used to increase the effectiveness of any other working.
Psychic Development Spell - This spell works to develop intuition and psychic ability. It is also useful for developing greater understanding through empathy, developing clairvoyant skills, scrying, tarot, divination of any method and more sensitivity to subtle energies in energy healing work, crystal therapy, magick and so on.
Psychic Self Defence Spell - For protection on a psychic and spiritual level. Particularly useful to those on a spiritual development or ascension path who may find themselves suddenly more sensitive to low vibrations. Also for those practising magick or to protect from psychic attack.
Self Love Spell - This spell works to develop self-esteem and promote feelings of positivity and confidence. Particularly useful to those who are prone to negative self talk or involved in destructive habits or behaviours. And those negative memories they struggle with. A very healing effect.
Love Drawing Spell - To attract love into one's life. This surrounds the aura with loving energy and will work to attract romantic relationships specifically as well as creating an aura of attractiveness and increasing personal self esteem to an extent as well.
Soul Mate Drawing Spell - For attracting soul development relationships into one's life. These may be romantic in nature or deep friendships that have an impact on your spiritual growth. These are life changing relationships and only if you are serious about pursuing your spiritual path should you seek out a soul mate as often these relationships will bring big changes with them too!
Aura of Enchantment Spell - This wonderful working creates an attractive and magnetic aura around you. This is wonderful for developing friendships, relationships, romance, business connections and all kinds of interaction. This spell ensures you will exude a compelling influence on those around you and is very empowering. Used with High John the Conqueror it is a formidable combination!
Aphrodisiac Attraction Spell - This spell not only increases your sex appeal specifically but also your attractiveness in other ways. It also has the effect of increasing your sense of your attractiveness and libido. It can have an aphrodisiac effect on you and those around you. So buy with caution!
Business Success Spell - Can be used alone or in combination with the Reversal, High John the Conqueror, Aura of Enchantment, Good Fortune and Financial Prosperity Spell for an extremely intense working. This spell works on all areas to assure business success and the manifestation of your goals.
Freedom from Addiction Spell - A variation on the negative habits cleansing spell and with healing components to assist you in quitting any negative habit by alleviating the thought patterns that surround addiction and easing any side effects from the change you are making; in particular those of a psychological nature which most often undermine good intentions. This spell may also be adapted to quit smoking, drinking, comfort eating, negative self talk, destructive habits or drug abuse; any kind of addictive behaviour at all. This makes it extremely useful as an aid to weight loss too. It can be tailored to focus on resolving any specific addiction on request.
Magickal Enhancement Spell - This working can be used to increase the power and efficacy of any magickal practitioner regardless of their path. This working is suitable for Witches, Wiccans, Chaotes, Thelemites, Magicians, Shamans and anyone involved in magickal work at all. It is useful in re-establishing confidence after initiatory periods or 'dark nights' and in moving on from these with increased ability, understanding and wisdom.
Crown of Success Spell - This spell is popular with anyone one who has ambitions or goals. Whether you are looking for a new job, a successful interview, assistance in a legal matter, improvement in business and in business relationships, networking, getting a promotion or pay rise or even looking for a new home, this spell works to manifest success in your endeavours. It may also be combined with the Good Fortune and High John the Conqueror working for increased and faster results!
Hex Breaking Spell - For use by those who either know or suspect they are under the influence of negative magick or psychic attack. It can be used in combination with the Reversal of Malicious Intent and Psychic Self Defence workings to increase the scope of the working. Adding High John the Conqueror will also speed and intensify the results of this or any working.
Weight Loss Spell - Works on the principles of Freedom from Addiction and combines well with this and with the Healing Spell. The spell is tailored to aim specifically at the problems of overweight; negative self talk, negative self image, comfort eating, hypersensitivity. It also works to resolve subconscious reasons for weight issues.
Ground & Centre Spell - For those involved in spiritual work, natural empaths, psychics, healers, counsellors, sensitives and those who experience problems grounding and the side effects of such (feeling jittery, unable to sleep, anxious and so on). This spell works specifically to aid grounding and promote inner peace.
Sleep Right Spell - A powerful type of healing spell tailored for those who experience insomnia and difficulty in getting to sleep or staying asleep. It can also be helpful in the case of people who experience disturbingly vivid dreams or nightmares as it works at the level of the subconscious to resolve imbalance and restore natural, health giving sleep.
Abundance & Attraction Spell - This powerful working is excellent for those engaged in manifestation work and already working with the Power of Attraction; however it has a powerful effect on the energy field and aligns the energy with frequencies of abundance, happiness, positivity and prosperity in all areas of life.
Protection Spell - For protection from harm physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. This may also be used to enhance psychic self defence and to consolidate the effects of an exorcism or reversal spell.
Inner Peace Spell - For the evocation of inner peace. This spell works on the basal vibrational auric frequency to induce a sense of peace, calm and well-being. It can be used at any time and to assist in developing good habits for those who often feel anxious. As such it may be combined with the Ground & Centre and Healing spells for an intensive magickal working.
Beauty Enhancing Spell - Aligning you with aesthetically positive frequencies this spell enhances natural beauty - physically, but on all levels. The alignment is to objective concepts of beauty that are universally recognised but on request this spell may be tailored to specific areas too.
Willpower Enhancement - A working that increases the power of one's will and prevents emotional and external influences from impacting on conscious intentions. This can be used to fortify the Weight Loss, Freedom from Addiction, Self Love and many other workings. It can also help with strengthening and consolidating the magickal will and in increasing decisiveness and drive.
Health & Vitality Spell - This working increases the levels of health and vitality through work on the conscious and subconscious mind; attracting positive habits as well as naturally enhancing health and increasing vitality through the subtle adjustment of auric frequency.
Swan Maiden Spell - This spell draws the power of the Wish Maiden/Swan Maiden to you. It aids manifestation work and develops luck and good fortune. A very positive energy and excellent in combination with other workings for drawing positive vibrations of all kinds. Traditionally the Swan/Wish Maidens were Valkyries and so this spell will draw you to your destiny as you wish it but according to right - it can't draw you into a negative situation (for example, it will not help you restore an abusive relationship as this would be contrary to your good fortune). It is a pure and powerful spell. By experience I recommend it in combination with High John the Conqueror and the Crown of Success for a spectacular result!
Justice by Right Spell - This spell works to invoke justice in a situation. But be sure you are in the right because the justice dispensed is always according to right by this spell. It is not a hex nor a curse but is a spell that will bring vindication and resolve an imbalance fairly. Effectively as an eye for an eye. It should be requested with caution and only in extreme circumstances where you require justice and natural means have failed. It can assist in legal disputes too. But always it invokes justice by right so be certain you are in the right before you buy! This may be used in conjunction with other spells; the reversals and the Killing Moon work along similar lines and all these workings would support each other in resolving an outstanding animosity once and for all. But be certain the other person is the antagonist and you are not exacerbating the situation as justice is meted out fairly and indiscriminately by this powerful spell.
If these categories don't fit your specific requirement, email me with your request and I'll reply quickly to let you know what I would be able to do for you :-)
Copyright Mayastar - Anna Louise May, Maya
Mayastar (Anna Louise May) 2025
Healing Spell - May be used alone or in conjunction with other workings to facilitate healing on all levels (mind, body and spirit). In cases of release from addiction or after exorcism or a reversal it can assist in rebuilding one's reserves and increasing vitality and positivity.